Diesel mileage amounted to 2670 miles. 37037 ran the most miles - a total of 858 miles over 32 days. It was helped to first place by virtue of several charters as a result of its re-entry in to traffic, in particular one for the Growler Group who ran up a 100 miles of 37 haulage in one day! South Devon Diesel Group's 2 Class 20's 20 110 & 20 118 ran almost identical mileages at 618 and 621 respectively.
Total mileages for the year for all types of traction was 20,929
Passenger figures for 2005 were a record for the South Devon Railway. At close of business on 31st December passenger numbers were 91133 with a few figures still to be added in from coach company figures and the like. This compares with a grand total for 2004 of 85339, which figure was itself a record. The increase in numbers is a rise of 6.79%
© South Devon Railway Trust 2005