South Devon Railway
1950's & 1960's Gala Weekend 2008
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A train departs for TotnesA guard gives "Right of way"
Filling 5786's with waterCrew of ex GWR 0-6-0PT 5786

The event was very well attended with over a 1000 passengers on the Monday - no doubt generated by all the publicity surrounding the Radio Devon 3 hour programme from the station. On the day of the radio show the railway filled all the available parking space including the adjoining field.

The weather was a typical 'railway weather' day with the morning starting overcast with a hint of drizzle and the sun only came out after lunch!

Trains ran to time pretty well all the weekend but the extra crowds on the Monday of the show resulted in the need to add a sixth coach to the GW set and to pinch an auto coach off the two coach auto train to strengthen the carmine and cream set and then put said coach back on the 5.20 auto departure - just as well as both carriages then left comfortably filled.

Diesel and steam were in about 50/50 ratio. It was interesting that nobody appeared to complain about this. A few years ago running diesels as much would have received an adverse reaction. But all the diesels in use were in original green livery. D6737 was, rather cheekily wearing a 1T57 - the headcode carried by the end of steam 15 Guinea special 40 years ago!

BBC Radio Devon Gallery

Note: Photographs are © Sarah Anne Harvey 2008

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