5526's busy month and a taste of things to come!
With most of the South Devon Railway fleet winterised for
the cold months, 5526 has been the engine running all the winter services.
In addition to the usual Santa Trains it has found itself running the Dart
Vale Rotary Santa trains, a photo charter for Pete Doel, the annual 'Carols
Down the Line evenings and even a works train. The works train was run
using 5526 rather than a diesel really just because it seemed a nice idea
and the engine was hot from the previous days Santa trains and was needed
on the evening Carol train. Whilst running the works train the opportunity
was taken to pair the engine with the line's two carmine and cream auto
trailers . 228 was outshopped last year in this livery and 225 came out
of the carriage and wagon shops just days ago in matching livery. 5526
is not currently auto fitted but it is intended to change all that for
next season! |