The South Devon Railway Enthusiasts' site
Saturday March 29, 2025

SOUTH DEVON RAILWAY Trust Museum Cleaners 2013
Simon, one of the cleaners, works on the glass
Jon-Paul polishes the brassMark wields the vacuum cleaner
Jon-Paul polishes the brass label on GWR 0-4-0VB Tiny & Mark wields the vacuum cleaner
Photo © 2013

You may be interested in the story of the cleaning teams in the SDR Trust Museum at Buckfastleigh. Every Wednesday throughout the season Mark, Simon and Jon-Paul come in to the museum on a Wednesday morning, long before the doors open to the general public, and do the essential but unglamorous job of cleaning. Between them the floor gets a thorough going-over with the vacuum cleaner, all the glass gets polished – this includes the museum’s vintage cigarette machine - and the brass and copper on Ashley's footplate get a shine. The handrails are all cleaned, the toy trains are spruced up and Tiny often gets attention as well. True to the railway tradition, of course, each session ends with a mug of tea!

Museum curator John Brodribb commented that “these three lads from Camphill come to us regularly every week and do a great job for the museum. Without their help it would be much more difficult to keep the museum clean and tidy for our thousands of visitors. They do a great job, and I thank them for their help”

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