South Devon Railway
'Staverton crossing'

The winter maintenance has already started (and we're only November) !
The opportunity has been taken between the end of daily running and the start of the Santa Trains to relay the track at Staverton through the road crossing.  This involved a road closure notice and diversions for five days.  One of the reasons for the work was to change the way the old cider store siding was connected to the running line.  In the past it used a ground frame at the Totnes end of the siding and wasn't under the control of any signal box so all movements were part of the one train only workings.  A new point has been installed next to the road crossing facing Ashburton and it's connected to Bishop's Bridge Signalbox so access is now controlled.  This means the siding can be used whilst there's a train in the Totnes to Staverton section which will be useful on gala days.
In order to connect up the point new ducting had to be installed under the carriageway; hence the road closure.
The sleepers were changed at the same time to new hardwood ones so they should last for a few years.
The old point at the Totnes end of the siding has been removed for re-use at Totnes on the runround with plain track and a bufferstop put in its place.
The old crossing sleepers are removed
The new hardwood sleepers are laid out across the road
That key will go in and stay there!
The 04 tries out the new track and pointwork
The new ductwork is aligned
The carriageway is rebuilt over the ductwork
The new surface is rolled into place
New road surface taking shape
All done and nearly ready for cars
New rodding (Totnes side)
New rodding (Ashburton side)
Installing the facing point lock rodding
Connecting up the facing point lock rodding
Wiring up the track circuits and communications
Photographs: CP - "Chris the Gardner"
                     NP - Nick Perring


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