The South Devon Railway Enthusiasts' site

BR Standard Coach Photographs

4496 4785 4805 4927
4962 15644 25693 34945
E43147 W1917 W35326 80225
BR Coach 1917
BR Mk1 Buffet W1917 feature
BR Mk1 15644
BR Mk1 CK 15644
BR Mk1 25693
BR Mk1 CK 25693
BR Mk1 TSO W4496 (feature)
Ex Kings Cross BR Commuter Stock E43147
BR Mk1 W4962
BR Mk1 TSO W4962
BR Mk1 34945
BR Mk1 BSK 34945
BR Mk1 W35326
BR Mk1 BSK W35326 (Converted to Kitchen Car)
BR Mk1 4805
BR Mk1 SO 4805 (rebuilt back to an SO with 48 seats from Buffet with 36 Seats feature)
BR Mk1 4785
BR Mk1 SO 4785
Designation Meaning
BSK Brake Second Corridor
CK Composite ( 1st & 2nd ) Corridor
SO Second Open
TSO Tourist Second Open
RMB Resturant Mini Buffet
NNX Non Passenger Carrying Courier Vehicle
DMU Diesel Multiple Unit

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