2019 Timetable
Click on coloured date to go to relevant timetable; Public trains only run on days coloured RED, BLUE GREEN YELLOW, |
Branch Line Service runs on Days Shaded Green. |
Normal Service runs on Days Shaded Red. |
Two Train Service runs on Days Shaded Blue |
Special Timetable with frequent trains on Days Shaded Yellow |
Prebooked Santa Specials ONLY when shaded Mauve |
Prebooked Dining Train when date Circled thus: 31 |
No Service Trains run on days shewn in white or grey (though you can usually still hire one for yourself) |
Download a copy of the published timetable brochure and other timetables and brochures for local printing and/or reference.
The SDR's LT Routemaster RM1872 |
To download a copy of the published timetable flyer click here.