South Devon Railway
  Timetables 2008 - 2009  
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Click on coloured date below to go to relevant timetable; No shading means no public service.
Click on coloured date for Train Timetable
Click on coloured date for Train Timetable
Click on coloured date for Train Timetable
Click on coloured date for Train Timetable
Three train per day Service runs on Days Shaded Green
Two Train Service runs on Days Shaded Blue
Special Timetable with frequent trains on dates shewn in Yellow
Cream Teas available on selected Sunday afternoons in April, May, June, July, August, September and October
Santa Specials Run in December
No Service Trains run on days shewn unshaded (though you can usually still hire one for yourself

Special Events and Facilities
Follow link for locomotive roster Event
15th & 16th March Half Price Weekend
23rd & 24th March Easter Transport Extravaganza
26th & 27th April Diesel Gala 2008
3rd to 5th May Day out with Thomas©
25th to 26th May West Country Branch Line weekend
18th June Wildlife Special
12th & 13th July Military Vehicle weekend
16th July Wildlife Special
7th to 10th August August Fair Report on 2006 Fair
24th & 25th August British Railways 1950's & 1960's weekend
13th & 14th September Heritage Transport Gala & real ale festival
1st & 2nd November Half price weekend
7th & 8th November Gronk Aid 5 Diesel Gala
9th November "Driver for a Fiver"; Poppy Appeal fund raiser
6th, 7th & 13th, 14th & 19th, to 23rd December Santa by Steam
09th, 10th & 11thDecember Carols down the line 
27th, 28th & 31stDecember Mince pie specials
1st January 2009 Mince pie specials
21th & 22nd March 2009 Half price weekend
Vintage Bus Service
Operates between Buckfastleigh SDR Station, Buckfast Abbey Buckfastleigh Town Centre
'Bus runs March 23rd to 25th; April 7rd to 20th; May 3rd to 5th, then daily May 25th to September 28th inc.
  B   B
Buckfastleigh Station (Dep.) 11.50 12.40 1.35 1.55 2.35 3.15 3.55
Buckfast Abbey  11.55 12.45 1.40 2. 0 2.40 3.20 4. 0
Buckfastleigh Town Centre 12. 0 12.50 1.45 2. 5 2.45 3.25 4. 5
Buckfastleigh Station (Arr.) 12. 5 12.55 1.50 2.10 2.50 3.30 4.10
Note "B": only runs on Blue Timetable days and Yellow Timetable days.
Additional services may be run as required. Details of services are displayed on 'bus stops

    © Event licensed by Guillane (Thomas) Ltd and ©Guillane(Thomas) Ltd 2008

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© South Devon Railway Trust 2008

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